Npm : 10209647
kelas : 4 EA 16
Tugas ke 2 : Modals, Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #
Semua auxiliary verbs “kecuali be, do dan have” disebut modals. Tidak seperti auxiliary verbs lainnya, modals juga berfungsi sebagai kata kerja Bantu dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Perhatikan contoh-contoh Modals di bawah ini beserta fungsi dari Modals melalui contoh kalimat yang diberikan.
- Can
(+) My younger sister can walk on the wall
(-) My younger sister can’t walk on the wall
(?) Can you hear me?
- May
(+) We may go to the market
(-) We may not go to the market
(?) May we go to the market?
- Must
(+) They must walk to school
(-) They mustn’t walk to school
(?) They mustn’t walk to school
- Might
(+) They might take this pen
(-) They might not take this pen
(?) Might they take this pen?
- Should
(+) I think we should check everything again
(-) I think we should not check everything again
(?) should I think we check everything again ?
- Could
(+) We could try to fix it ourselves
(-) I think we could not have another Gulf War
(?) Could you say it again more slowly ?
- Ought to
(+) They ought to employ a professional story
(-) They don’t ought to employ a professional story
(?) Do they ought to employ a professional story ?
- Had Better
Subject + had better + infinitive
Subject + had better + not + infinitive
You had better study hard
You had better not work on Sundays
- Would
(+) She would drinking orange mango in cafe
(-) She wouldn't drinking orange mango in cafe
(?) Would she drinking orange mango in cafe ?
- Have to
(+) I have to departing now.
(-) I haven’t to departing now
(?) Have you to departing now ?
- Have got to
(+) I have got to go Medan right now
(-) I haven’t got to go Medan right now
(?) Have you got to go Medan right now ?
- Prefer
Subject + Prefer + to infinitive
Subject + Prefer + Nouns + to + Nouns
Subject + Prefer + Gerund + to + GerundContoh:
They prefer to go now
My mother prefers lemon to orange
She prefers watching TV to listening to the radio
- Like Better
(+) He likes table tennis better than basketball.
(-) He doesn’t like table tennis better than basketball.
(?) Does he like table tennis better than basketball ?
- Would Rather
Subject + would rather + Kata kerja bentuk I (tanpa to- Infinitives)
Subject + would rather + Infinitives + than + Infinitives
Subject + would rather + Infinitives + Noun + than + Inf + Noun
Subject + would rather + someone + Bentuk II
I would rather study now
She would rather stay home than go shopping
We’d rather play card than play ball
I’d rather you went now
Countable Nouns
Countable nouns adalah nama dari objek terpisah, ide, mahluk hidup dan sebagainya yang dapat dihitung. Terdapat tiga ciri countable nouns, yaitu:
1. Tentunya bisa dihitung.
2. Memiliki bentuk jamak (plural) yang ditandai dengan akhiran –s/-es, atau dengan bentuk tidak beraturan.
3. Di depan contable nouns bisa digunakan a/an
Contoh Kalimatnya :
1) He said that one hundred hairs loss per day is still normal.
2) Give me two coffees without cream, please!
3) I have tried kinds of cheesesfrom many countries.
4) They sent me a cake on my birthday.
5) The woman put some juiceson the table.
6) Many women prefer a secure life.
7) The boy drank a glass of milk.
8) Can I borrow your iron?
9) My father should change the light in the kitchen one week ago.
10) I have an interesting paper to read.
Uncountable Nouns
Sedangkan yang dinamakan uncountable noun, atau juga bisa disebut non-count noun atau mass noun adalah nama dari material, benda cair, benda abstrak, koleksi, dan benda-benda yang lain yang kita lihat sebagai suatu benda yang tanpa batasan yang jelas dan bukan merupakan objek terpisah.
- Ciri-ciri Uncountable Nouns
Berikut ini adalah ciri-ciri uncountable nouns, check this out:
1. Uncountable nouns tidak bisa dihitung sehingga dengan demikian tidak bisa didahului oleh kata bilangan, misalanya:
- I need milk. Bukan,
I need two milik. - I am dirnking water. Bukan,
I am drinking one water.
2. Uncountable nouns tidak memiliki bentuk plural (jamak) dengan akhiran –s /-es sebagai penanda, misalnya:
- We drink some coffee. Bukan,
We buy some coffees. - My mother needs some milk. Bukan,
My mother needs some milks.
3. Uncountable nouns tidak menggunakan indifinite article a/an, misalnya:
- I like coffee. Bukan,
I like a coffee. - He likes music. Bukan,
He likes a music.
- Uncountable Dirubah Menjadi Countable Noun
Dalam uncountable nouns kita bisa menjadikanya countable noun dengan menambahkan batasan pada uncountable nouns tersebut. Jadi uncountable nouns yang tadinya tidak bisa di countable kan, jika mendapat batasan yang jelas, maka uncountable nouns tersebut bisa di-countable-kan, misalnya:
I need tea (uncountable) menjadi I need a cup of tea (countable)
I drink milk (uncountable) menjadi I drinkk a glass of milk (countable)
A cup of, a glass of adalah contoh batasan yang ditambahkan jika ingin merubah uncountable nouns menjadi countable nouns.
Contoh Kalimatnya :
1) I am eating a piece of cake.
2) We still have a lump of sugar.
3) We want to but a bar of chocolate.
4) I saw a speck of dirt on your skirt.
5) We need a block of ice.
6) I could see a flash of lightning in the darkness.
7) There is a pile of rubbish beside the street.
8) There is a strand of hair in your shoulder.
9) There is a liter of water in the kitchen.
10) My little brother always brings a bottle of milk to school every day.